Habit of chewing bubble gum is another addiction like smoking , its just like getting rid of one unhealthy addiction and caught up with another.

You quit smoking because you realized its destructive for your health and now you distract your craving for smoke with chewing bubble gums.You may not know but chewing bubble gums frequently and for longer periods cause Stomach ulcers.
Lets go in detail with a little background.
Your story:
So you’ve decided to quit smoking since you finally realized that its harmful for your health, or may be because your respiratory system has started deteriorating, or perhaps you had a heart attack recently and your doctor told you that smoking is most susceptible culprit behind it….Whatever the reason, its not too late since you are still alive after all!
End of story~
…Or so you thought but everyone knows that smoking is addiction and its NOT easy to just decide and you won’t be bothered again.To get rid of it AND get used to your new life style you must have Strong will, devotion to your decision and…..a distraction, for times when you feel like you can’t keep yourself away from it anymore ( i’ll call it desperate times). So you make a habit of chewing bubble gum, in desperate times, on someone’s suggestion, perhaps a friend who heard someone else that it helps.
You got rid of smoking but you picked up another habit that’s unhealthy. Why is it unhealthy? To answer that, let me go back a little and give a preview of digestive system.
When we see delicious food, our honourable brain tells our digestive system that ‘Prepare yourself! this wonderful stuff is coming to you’ As a response our salivary glands start secreting saliva. Now, if the food is in a showcase of a shop that’s above our salary, we would probably suffer from disappointment, but if we surrender to our desire and stuff that food in our mouth, our stomach starts preparing itself to welcome the food while your chewing it , secretes gastric secretions (pH = 2, means highly Acidic) and waits for the food. When we swallow it, it enters stomach and further digestion proceeds in stomach.
Imagine what happens when you eat something you aren’t going to swallow but keep chewing and chewing and chewing? For example, a bubble gum? Your stomach would still secrete acidic gastric secretions. Normally there’s a mucous membrane in stomach that secretes mucous to prevent digestion of muscular walls of stomach, but it has its limits, if acidic secretions remain in stomach for long time, this ends up in digestion of stomach walls, resulting in gastric ulcers.
You quit smoking because you didn’t want to end up with, lets say, respiratory problems but you end up with something that would lead you to digestive problems. So quit smoke and do some research to find distractions on your own instead of listening to others.
You can distract yourself with healthy activities, like:
> Mostly walk for 15-20 minutes is recommended.
> Drink fresh fruit juice
> Eat fruits, like apple, strawberries etc. you can also eat tomatoes, they are very good anti oxidants.
> Drink lots of water
> Involve some family member in your resolution and also keep reminding yourself about it.
P.S. These fore mentioned suggestions may or may not work for you. DO NOT get disappointed if they don’t, go to a Rehab centre or consult a professional in that field.

You quit smoking because you realized its destructive for your health and now you distract your craving for smoke with chewing bubble gums.You may not know but chewing bubble gums frequently and for longer periods cause Stomach ulcers.
Lets go in detail with a little background.
Your story:
So you’ve decided to quit smoking since you finally realized that its harmful for your health, or may be because your respiratory system has started deteriorating, or perhaps you had a heart attack recently and your doctor told you that smoking is most susceptible culprit behind it….Whatever the reason, its not too late since you are still alive after all!
End of story~
…Or so you thought but everyone knows that smoking is addiction and its NOT easy to just decide and you won’t be bothered again.To get rid of it AND get used to your new life style you must have Strong will, devotion to your decision and…..a distraction, for times when you feel like you can’t keep yourself away from it anymore ( i’ll call it desperate times). So you make a habit of chewing bubble gum, in desperate times, on someone’s suggestion, perhaps a friend who heard someone else that it helps.
You got rid of smoking but you picked up another habit that’s unhealthy. Why is it unhealthy? To answer that, let me go back a little and give a preview of digestive system.
When we see delicious food, our honourable brain tells our digestive system that ‘Prepare yourself! this wonderful stuff is coming to you’ As a response our salivary glands start secreting saliva. Now, if the food is in a showcase of a shop that’s above our salary, we would probably suffer from disappointment, but if we surrender to our desire and stuff that food in our mouth, our stomach starts preparing itself to welcome the food while your chewing it , secretes gastric secretions (pH = 2, means highly Acidic) and waits for the food. When we swallow it, it enters stomach and further digestion proceeds in stomach.
Imagine what happens when you eat something you aren’t going to swallow but keep chewing and chewing and chewing? For example, a bubble gum? Your stomach would still secrete acidic gastric secretions. Normally there’s a mucous membrane in stomach that secretes mucous to prevent digestion of muscular walls of stomach, but it has its limits, if acidic secretions remain in stomach for long time, this ends up in digestion of stomach walls, resulting in gastric ulcers.
You quit smoking because you didn’t want to end up with, lets say, respiratory problems but you end up with something that would lead you to digestive problems. So quit smoke and do some research to find distractions on your own instead of listening to others.
You can distract yourself with healthy activities, like:
> Mostly walk for 15-20 minutes is recommended.
> Drink fresh fruit juice
> Eat fruits, like apple, strawberries etc. you can also eat tomatoes, they are very good anti oxidants.
> Drink lots of water
> Involve some family member in your resolution and also keep reminding yourself about it.
P.S. These fore mentioned suggestions may or may not work for you. DO NOT get disappointed if they don’t, go to a Rehab centre or consult a professional in that field.
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