Saturday, October 1, 2011

Skin Getting Worse? Make Sure you’re Not Causing It!

Why is it that you have tried everything you could but you still don’t see any improvement? Let’s see if you are not making these mistakes!

1) Do you stay in shower for longer periods?
Many people tell me that they have this habit of staying in showers for longer durations, scrubbing skin over and over, applying soap 2-3 times….Perhaps to make sure they are clean or may be because they enjoy wasting water? The longer you stay in shower; it’s evident that you’ll lose more of Natural moisturizing factor from your body. Well i suggest why not take 10-15 minutes shower twice a day? That would clean your body better than 1 hour hard work you do every day.

2) Do you take shower with hot water?
So, if you use hot water for your showers that cleanse your body better…are you serious? Hot water washes away your skin’s oil (that’s meant to lubricate your skin) leaving it dry! Dryness in skin leads to wrinkles. NEVER use hot water for baths or showers, instead use Luke warm water it’s better for your hair as well, if you have dry/rough hair.

3) Do you eat healthy?
It’s said that what you eat, shows on your skin. If you have dull skin and pimples all over your face, that means you’re not doing justice to your skin, you probably skip lunch because you are on a ‘diet’ but you can eat a quick burger instead? Fries, burgers, pizzas and all types of other junk food is definitely ruining your skin.
How about you eat fruits, vegetables (esp. leafy vegetables) and drink lots of water to boost your skin? Healthier you eat, more radiant you’ll look!

4) Do you ’scrub’ your face every morning and each night with ’skin care’ products?
This is the worst thing you are doing to your skin; instead, washing your face with antiseptic soap twice a day is just enough. You know why skin of your palm grew harder as you grew up, harder than skin of the back of your hand? That’s because we do more work with our hands and palm gets more in contact. There you have it! the more you scrub your face with different products, the more it would harden and lose its softness, and you may not know what your ’skin care’ product is doing to your skin.
My suggestion is use a light antiseptic soap every morning you wake up and every night before you go to bed plus splash of water when you return home from outside, because if dirt remains on skin for longer duration it would result in pimples.

5) Make up! Of course, you use it every day right?
Do you want to know what’s in those beautiful shiny eye shades and mascaras you apply every day? And what your face powder can do to your skin? You should know because you have to take responsibility what you do to yourself.
Well, in 1933, more than a dozen women were blinded and after a woman died from using permanent mascara called Lash Lure, this product was finally banned. You know back then, many products were known to be carcinogenic and produced birth defects when tested on animals in laboratories, like Red No. 2 which was banned in 1976? What about those which are still unnoticed? Normally people even don’t know what chemicals are carcinogenic or which ingredients have serious adverse effects on the skin/body, either cosmetics or food products. Companies may state that their products are tested but do you trust those labs in which they test their products? Or do you even go to that much detail? You probably won’t risk your life over beauty, besides nature gives you the best you deserve! So my suggestion is to avoid these cosmetic products as much as you can.
Be natural, be simple and be beautiful!

> If you have problems of skin, like flaking, serious dryness or rashes etc. which are prolonged and without a known reason then it’s time to visit a dermatologist, because it may or may not be an ultimatum for you.
>The purpose of this article is to surface some of minor details that we usually don’t notice, if you have further questions regarding this topic, don’t give a second thought, and just ask me!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How Photoelectric Colorimeter Works

 It is a device which is used in laboratories for quantitative analysis of specific substances in human body fluids that have capability to absorb light in visible region.


Photoelectric colorimeter uses a photocell, color filters, amplifiers and current detector.
This device is used to measure the concentration of specific substance in subject solution. It is based on 2 very important laws, Beer’s law and Lambert’s law;

> Beer’s law: It states that when a monochromatic ray of light passes through a color solution, its intensity decreases with respect to the concentration of the solution (the more color concentration, lesser the intensity)

> Lambert’s law: It states that when a monochromatic ray of light passes through a color solution, its intensity decreases with respect to the length of the solution.

 Principle of Photoelectric Colorimeter:
When light comes from a light source, a filter for specific wavelength is placed in its way to get a monochromatic light. This monochromatic light then passes through the solution sample inside the test tube, after which the intensity of light decreases. It then falls on the photocell which is in turn connected to a detector (e.g.; Galvanometer). The reading gives us the optic density of the solution in the test tube.

This device is widely used in laboratories for analysis of different constituents in the urine etc.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Best Way to Respond in Embarrassing Situations!

You can actually take control of embarrassing situations, even when they get out of your hands, see how.
How to respond in embarrassing situations? Following are some of the very common embarrassing situations with do and don’ts.
When you trip in front of People:
It happens alot that we are walking on a footpath and suddenly we trip, or when climbing the stairs we sometimes miss a step and roll down couple of stairs. we cannot avoid falling down, Of course, gravity is to be blamed for that. But one thing we can do is to deal wisely with the embarrassment we feel at the moment when we pull ourself together. Best thing is to ACT like it wasn’t a big deal. Just pick your stuff, stand up, shake off dust from your clothes and continue to do what you were doing before the tragedy.

When someone points out your mistake while you’re talking:
Another very common occurrence. There are two types of people that point out your mistakes when you’re talking, a) Your friends b)Your foes. When your friends tell you that you’re wrong about something, they want to CORRECT you but when your foes do the same thing they want to EMBARRASS you, so you have to deal with them differently.
When a friend points you out, you can joke, like ‘oh, i knew it i was just checking you’ or something like that, but make sure they get your joke. But when someone who is NOT your friend points you out, admit it with a light ’sorry’. NEVER JOKE ABOUT IT AND NEVER MAKE IT A BIG DEAL WITH LOTS OF APOLOGIES.
When someone jokes about you:
Mostly people take offense when they are being laughed at. This is the worst way to handle it since it can lead to bullying in future. Best way is to laugh with them and comment on the joke, preferably something funny but if you can’t say anything funny just say something like ‘that was funny’ or something like ‘man! that was unexpected’ etc.

When no one laughs at your joke:
That happens a lot either because you told a joke when no one was listening OR because your joke was lame. If it was the earlier reason then you can get attention by saying something like ‘you guys just missed something really good’ and then tell them the joke when they are eagerly looking at you for ’something really good they just missed’ if its worth telling. if it was later reason, just comment like ‘just wanted to confirm that i wasn’t the only one who thought it wasn’t funny’ or something like that.

>>Always remember, when you are embarrassed just act normal and make sure not to show it, people would forget about it sooner than you think.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quitting Smoke, Chewing Bubble Gum Instead….that’s Healthy??

Habit of chewing bubble gum is another addiction like smoking , its just like getting rid of one unhealthy addiction and caught up with another.

You quit smoking because you realized its destructive for your health and now you distract your craving for smoke with chewing bubble gums.You may not know but chewing bubble gums frequently and for longer periods cause Stomach ulcers.
Lets go in detail with a little background.
Your story:
So you’ve decided to quit smoking since you finally realized that its harmful for your health, or may be because your respiratory system has started deteriorating, or perhaps you had a heart attack recently and your doctor told you that smoking is most susceptible culprit behind it….Whatever the reason, its not too late since you are still alive after all!
End of story~

…Or so you thought but everyone knows that smoking is addiction and its NOT easy to just decide and you won’t be bothered again.To get rid of it AND get used to your new life style you must have Strong will, devotion to your decision and…..a distraction, for times when you feel like you can’t keep yourself away from it anymore ( i’ll call it desperate times). So you make a habit of chewing bubble gum, in desperate times, on someone’s suggestion, perhaps a friend who heard someone else that it helps.

You got rid of smoking but you picked up another habit that’s unhealthy. Why is it unhealthy? To answer that, let me go back a little and give a preview of digestive system.

When we see delicious food, our honourable brain tells our digestive system that ‘Prepare yourself! this wonderful stuff is coming to you’ As a response our salivary glands start secreting saliva. Now, if the food is in a showcase of a shop that’s above our salary, we would probably suffer from disappointment, but if we surrender to our desire and stuff that food in our mouth, our stomach starts preparing itself to welcome the food while your chewing it , secretes gastric secretions (pH = 2, means highly Acidic) and waits for the food. When we swallow it, it enters stomach and further digestion proceeds in stomach.
Imagine what happens when you eat something you aren’t going to swallow but keep chewing and chewing and chewing? For example, a bubble gum? Your stomach would still secrete acidic gastric secretions. Normally there’s a mucous membrane in stomach that secretes mucous to prevent digestion of muscular walls of stomach, but it has its limits, if acidic secretions remain in stomach for long time, this ends up in digestion of stomach walls, resulting in gastric ulcers.


You quit smoking because you didn’t want to end up with, lets say, respiratory problems but you end up with something that would lead you to digestive problems. So quit smoke and do some research to find distractions on your own instead of listening to others.

You can distract yourself with healthy activities, like:

> Mostly walk for 15-20 minutes is recommended.
> Drink fresh fruit juice
> Eat fruits, like apple, strawberries etc. you can also eat tomatoes, they are very good anti oxidants.
> Drink lots of water
> Involve some family member in your resolution and also keep reminding yourself about it.

P.S. These fore mentioned suggestions may or may not work for you. DO NOT get disappointed if they don’t, go to a Rehab centre or consult a professional in that field.

Monday, February 28, 2011

5 Mistakes Freshers Make in Medical School

Are you a newcomer in medical school? and worried about your survival? Then you’ll find these Tips Very useful which students usually learn by experience.

When you’re in a new environment you either have to get used to it or give up before you even try, you have choice to do that.Third option is to get guidance and use it to get along. Not everyone’s lucky to have a friend who is already studying there or relative who lectures in the university, so i tried to get everything together that’ll definitely help you if you follow this advice. These Tips are either experiences or observations which are very common but no one bothers to explain them to newcomers.

1) Ditching First day of School:

Students have this concept in their minds that first day is all about welcome speech from Principal and introductions from lecturers and fellow students. Well,that’s also true but i remember when i was a fresher our principal gave us,like 3 hours ‘welcome speech’! and he talked about how medical profession started, developments in it, contributions of known researchers and why this profession is important.Later on we realized that in that speech he covered ENTIRE first chapter of anatomy…See, students who didn’t come that day missed it! There are lots of other things that are mentioned in those introductory classes that no one would mention again and that may prove to be your loss in the future. Also,its not like Lecturers start their lectures as soon as they walk in class, rather in first class they give you advices to survive in your carrier( which no one would ever tell you after that) and they tell you which books to follow etc.(which your friends may tell you if you ask them).
I have made it golden rule for myself that NEVER MISS FIRST AND LAST CLASS in entire academic life because you never know what you might miss.

2) Being Quick in making friends:

Sometimes it happens that you make it into medical school but your friends couldn’t, so its natural you’d like to have company in your classes. Actually making friends is useful because you learn more from discussions, make friends and become ’study buddies’. But mistake is when you befriend someone you don’t know much about because classes just started and you sat with that person in couple of classes and talked a little, while professor was sipping his tea but by the time you realize that that friend of yours is a selfish jerk who just knows how to take advantage of you. So, i suggest that take it slow and merge with whole class. Be communicative,Share your ideas with others and be patient to listen to others’ ideas. This way you’ll get to know more people and their line of thoughts, so be more friendly with people who share your ideas and discuss your lectures together.

3)Waiting for deadline to submit your assignment:

In a medical school there’s always a large population in single class, so you’ll have to make your way up on your own and stand out in that crowd, but with positive approach and professional attitude. One of the tricks is that when you’re given an assignment with a time limit, try finishing it as soon as you can. Put more effort and submit it way before deadline rather than on the last day. So that professors can count you with those few ‘hardworking students with serious attitude’ in your class.

4)Hesitating in asking questions:

Ask questions whenever they pop in your mind. Discuss them with your professors after class, during break, or whenever you’re free.Ask questions in your class when professors allow questions. Do not ever hesitate to ask question thinking that:

a) What other students would say! everyone’s like you and you’re giving them advantage by asking because when you ask a question other students think ‘that was in my mind’ or ‘yeah, i didn’t think that before’ OR

b)You may think that professor would be bothered. That’s right, there are some teachers who do not welcome questions but that ratio is very low. Still some teachers are annoyed when questions are asked in middle of a lecture and there are also those who happily welcome every question anytime. You’ll have to recognise the type on your own OR you can also ask your seniors.

If you’re not confident enough to discuss with your teachers, do it with your seniors or your friends, anyone who you think can help. NEVER BOTTLE UP YOUR QUESTIONS or they might become your weakness by time.

5)Not reviewing every days’ lectures:

''In the beginning i didn’t review lectures back home, because i thought that they were very easy and i understood them well, but when i started to prep for my finals i couldn’t even recognize the conten''. This is what happens 99.9%. The trick to remember your lectures is to preview, review and add material in your notes from references. That’s what you should be doing because medical profession is not learning and then forgetting, saving lives is very responsible carrier. if you chose to do it , put your heart in it, sacrifice your time so you can be happy with your decision when someone leaves your hospital walking on their own feet who came on a stretcher.

You are in medical school because you deserve it, do not be dishearten if you can’t seem to get along with this life because in the beginning everyone’s like that.   

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Drinking Cold Water or Warm Water? Which One is More Effective?

Drinking 8-10 glasses of water in a day is advantageous for our health, we all agree to that so the issue here is which water is more effective for drinking, cold water or Tepid water?

You have heard lots of advantages of drinking water stating that it is useful for blood circulation because the water is major component of Plasma which makes up 55% of Blood. So it helps reducing friction between blood cells for better blood flow in the vessels and it also facillitates diffusion of blood from capillaries( smallest blood vessels) to the tissues. If you drink lots of water as a habit, your skin remains hydrated and more glowy, and lots of other infinite advantages but do you know that you can double the effects of water if you have more knowlegde of its functions in the body!
Regarding that debate there are 2 Theories for drinking water:
1) First theory claims that its better to drink warm water because it helps lose fats and also its more effective in washing away wastes since its better solvent than cold water.
This claim is provided with the fact that when we drink warm water, because its temperature is higher than our normal body temperature , as per physics thermodynamic rule, heat moves from higher temperature source (water) to lower temperature source (our body). As a result our body temperature rises which then has same effect on calories in body as that of excercise.
- Also dissolving capability of warm water is more than that of cold water , so it dissolves waste contents more effectively and washes them out of the body, either through urine or through sweating.

 2) The second theory claims that drinking cold water is more effective than warm water.
Mechanism:  This theory is claimed by describing the fact that when we drink cold water, it has more effect on our body. Because cold water causes our thermostatic mechanisms to activate, which try to normalise the temperature of cold water. In order to do that our body uses energy by burning calories in the body.

Both of these theories have their own proved facts but majority of researchers suggest that tepid water is far more effective than cold water because it has more advantages. Either way water is a blessing for all of us , so make a habit of drinking water daily before you feel thirsty because thirst is felt at the time when body is already dehaydrated.                        

>Please leave a comment if this topic was helpful.